Saturday, July 11, 2009

It's Started Already!

.....My little man has a girlfriend!

She's a little older, a little taller and she's sweet on him too.

Be still my beating heart. I'm sure there will be many more occasions where I have my heart lodged in my throat, but for now, I'm just going to count my blessings....and you have to admit, she's just beautiful!!!!!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Something Special

A few weeks back, I put out a call for newborns under two weeks old to update my portfolio. While I know that the first few weeks are always busy with a newborn and the time goes by so fast, there is just something so special about photographing the first two weeks of life. That fresh newborn curl, the baby pout, fresh wrinkles..... I love them all. After the first two weeks, babies become more alert, stretch out more and it's just more difficult to replicate some of the poses possible at the early stage.

Lucky for me one of my friends had a fresh newborn just for me to photograph! She's just eight days old here and was such a good little model. I can't pick a favourite but here are just a few from our three hour session......Yes good photos take time.

I just love watching babies sleep...

I love miss Lulu's curl...

This shot was just too sweet not to post.

I've been wanting to try this one out for quite some time now and I love how it turned out.

Miss Lulu's mum loved this basket and really wanted to get one with her in it. It took some coaxing but here is the result.

This session was just so much fun and I could have kept photographing all day. There were more ideas in my head that I didn't get to try out because my little man was sick (yes again) so our session had to end.

Congratulations J and J. Lulu is just too cute for words and I can't wait to photograph her at six months.

Friday, June 26, 2009

A wedding in the Family

I've been meaning to blog these pictures for quite some time now, but I've been preoccupied as a mummy to do so until now....little man is finally asleep.

I took these pictures of my gorgeous sister in law and her now husband back in April.

T and R met at uni and after many years of courtship, I am happy to say that they are now man and wife. Here are some of my favorites from the day:

T...looking totally elegant as a bride....

The all important kiss....

The wedding theme was butterflies and ocean. This was my handy work...

And my absolute favourite pic of the day...

And lastly, one of my little man looking very handsome (and more and more like his daddy everyday) as a page boy.


Monday, May 11, 2009

Miss A

Hello all,
Sorry for the lapse but we've been battered by colds and flu in my household. My hubby has one right now and my little man is just getting over one...well, another one.

Today I want to introduce you to a beautiful little princess...Miss A. It took her mother three hours to get her to sleep. Miss A was just so inquisitive, and did not want to miss out on anything. Anyway, I hope that you will agree with me that it was all worth it.

I love this newborn pose...

and my favourite shot for the day. Just think, she will never be this small again....oh it goes way to fast.

I hope you wonderful mums had a lovely mother's day yesterday.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Miss You Jodes

O.K, for the past week or so, I've been feeling sorry for myself, but you can't really blame me since my best friend has up a left me to move to the eastern states! Yep, just up and left. We've been friends since we were 10 (and yes that was some time ago for those of you who are wondering)!

I've threatened to O.D. via chocolate toblerone cheesecake and mango pudding but then I've just got my pre-baby body back so who would I REALY be hurting here????

Anyway, before Jodes up and left, she invited me to photograph her family whilst they were all together and I might just be a little biased because I just LOVE this family, but who could resist these guys?

I just love big families and the kids in this family were just tooooo cute. Check these out:

One special little girl:

And check out these little cousins....these photos make me laugh...

and last but not least, my beautiful friend Jodi and her hubby:

I miss you Jodes......where's that cheesecake...

Monday, February 23, 2009

Post Processing

I simply enjoy photography. From the time my dad handed me his trusty K1000 and said:

"Here, go do something with this..."

I've taken absolute delight in capturing images of all sorts. My favourite type of photography is portrait photography because I love trying to capture the true personality of a person and I love babies, because....let's face it, they are just lovable! But I also love nature and landscape photography just for the colours in them.

In the days when I shot with film, I'd choose my film and photo labs with care to make sure that I had the best chance of getting the beautiful images that I hoped to capture. But in this digital world, I can control some of these variables through post processing.

What is post processing? Well, for me, it's a process of making a good image even better. Here's an example of some of my post processing work:



Personally, I think that the time spent in post processing is well worth it. What do you think?

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Gimme Moore

I took this picture of my brother fishing at sunset today and I just love it so I thought I'd share it with you. I'm no landscape photographer but I love the colours in this picture:

I also thought I'd try out a new way of displaying my pics. I think the results look much better displayed like this. Here's one of my cheeky boy enjoying today at Moore River:

and lastly, Moore river at sunset:

How lucky are we to have this on our doorsteps?

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Oh My!

Oh My Oh My....
I have been a bad blogger. I never realised how many beautiful babies I have neglected to show off in the last couple of months. How could I let you miss out on seeing this super cute guy?

Meet Mr A. who I believe will be a heart breaker when he's a little older.

See... he's already winking at me ;)

or was that a yawn?

It always amazes me to see how small newborns are. This stage goes all to quickly, which is why I just love photographing this age group.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Miss K

Here at long last are the pics of miss K, the result of my last maternity session:

isn't she just dreamy?

and those BIG beautiful eyes...

with parents like these, how could she anything but gorgeous?

and my favourite shot for the day...


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I'm Back

My apologies for disappearing for so long, but I never realised how much time a toddler takes up in the day. Anyway, enough excuses because I have lots of pictures to post.

Today I thought I'd post my latest pics from last weekend's session with Miss S. She's just four weeks old and the apple of her mummy's eye.

and she has great taste in clothes already!

but I'm a real sucker for babies just as they came into this world

....Perfect in every way.